How to fight a traffic ticket, fight a photo radar ticket in Winnipeg | Agent204
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Frequently Asked Questions

1) How do traffic tickets affect my driving record?

The specific impact traffic tickets have on your driving record differs province to province, however in almost all cases, it will significantly increase your car insurance rates.

2) How many demerit points does it take to get a driving suspension?

In Manitoba, it can vary depending on the traffic offences, the fewer demerits one has the better their driving record.

3) How long do I have to respond to my ticket?

In Manitoba, there will be two dates written on the front of the traffic ticket, the first response date, and the last response date.  Those dates do not mean your court date will start, it just means how do you want to proceed, by either admitting the offence or disputing the offence.

4) Can you guarantee the results?

It is unethical for anyone to guarantee or promise the results of a case. No legal firm can guarantee the end result for any legal matter. There are a few factors that could influence the outcome of your matter, and until we have full disclosure, we can only offer our advice to what it is explained during our free consultations.

5) I got a speeding ticket in another province; will it affect my driving record here?

Yes, it can, but it also depends in which provinces you got the traffic ticket, because of an agreement called The Canadian Driver License Compact agreement which shares driving record information between provinces and territories that was signed in 1990.   Everyone signed it except, British Columbia, Quebec, and Nunavut.  Which means that if you are from any of those three provinces and territory and you got a ticket in Quebec, that means out of province drivers won’t have Quebec tickets added to their driving records – and vice versa.

The exception, however, is Criminal Code Convictions including Impaired Driving appear on all provincial and territorial driving records across Canada.